Call for abstracts

Important dates and deadlines

Submission form

September 15, 2025 is the deadline for abstract submission.

Contributions received after this deadline may be accepted depending on availability.

Submission of abstracts does not guarantee publication of a paper or communication in the conference proceedings.



Submit your abstract

As part of the scientific activities, participants may submit abstracts that may be accepted as oral communications and discussed during the conference.








Important dates


for the submission of abstracts, papers and proposals


Resúmenes / Abstract

It is recommended to send it in advance, from now on, in order to receive the response on the result as soon as possible and proceed with the registration.

Abstracts received after the deadline may be accepted subject to availability.


The presentation of a paper and a communication implies the acceptance of the abstract by the scientific committee of the conference.


Full papers for publication in the proceedings

Papers can be submitted through the online submission form using only the official paper template.

The publication of a paper requires its presentation at the conference sessions.

The author(s) may only present one paper.


Topic areas WCM 2025

Positive and negative consequences of scientific and technological progress.

  • Methodological difference between natural sciences and human sciences
  • Human intelligence and artificial intelligence Technooptimism: reality or myth? 
  • Technology, freedom and personal fulfillment


Metaphysics, mysticism and epistemology in the human sciences.

  • Mystical character of the human person: consciousness and freedom
  • Educational model at the service of the family
  • Transcendence and experience in the art and cultural sciences. 
  • How to deal with the ideological excess of the human sciences


Person and relationship: current horizons and challenges

  • Towards an integral health: physical, psychological and spiritual
  • Sacral experience of human living: Society, politics and ideology 
  • Globalization and ecology


Fernando Rielo, 1923-2004: thinker, humanist, poet

  • Life and testimonies
  • Poetry, metaphysics, mysticism, and anthropology
  • Education, psychoethics, syneidotherapy and methodology


Submission instructions

Abstract Submission Guidelines

The Scientific Committee requests that abstracts be submitted through the conference website, using the corresponding form. 

Each author is requested to submit only one abstract. 

Contributions must clearly indicate the thematic section to which they are addressed and must be written in one of the official languages of the conference (Spanish, English, French, Italian). 

Only contributions in line with the spirit of the conference will be considered for inclusion in the program.

El Comité Científico se reserva el derecho de aceptar o rechazar ponencias en función de su calidad académica.

The abstract must be 500 words (approx. one A4 page).
It must include:
  • title of the article; 
  • context, objectives and main contribution of the proposal; 
  • methodology used and possible conclusions.

Only contributions in line with the spirit of the conference will be considered for inclusion in the program.

Submission Instructions: 
  1. ⁠Only files in the following format can be uploaded *.rtf, *.doc, *.docx y *pdf. 
  2. Please note that uploaded abstracts and articles cannot be modified.
  3. The deadline for submission is September 15, 2025.. It is recommended to send it in advance, from now on, in order to receive a response on the result as soon as possible and proceed with the registration.
  4. ⁠Adjunte una breve biografía académica (100-150 palabras) de cada autor (se permiten max. 3 autores)
  5. ⁠Los resultados de la evaluación serán notificados con un máximo de 15 días después de su recepción.
Topic areas
  1. Positive and negative consequences of scientific and technological progress.
  2. Metaphysics, mysticism and epistemology in the human sciences.
  3. Person and relationship: current horizons and challenges
  4. Fernando Rielo: thinker, humanist and poet

    Formulario de envío resúmenes / Abstract Submission Form:

    Primer autor / First Author

    Fecha de nacimiento (dd/mm/aa) / Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy)*:

    Eres italiano o vives en Italia? / Are you Italian or do you live in Italy?

    Código Fiscal/ Fiscal Code*:

    Subir aquí la breve biografía del primer autor: * / Upload the first author's short biography here: *

    Añade segundo autor / Add Second Author

    Segundo autor / Second Author

    Eres italiano o vives en Italia? / Are you Italian or do you live in Italy?

    Código Fiscal/ Fiscal Code*:

    Subir aquí la breve biografía del segundo autor: * / Upload the second author's short biography here: *

    Añade tercer autor / Add Third Author

    Tercer autor / Third Author

    Eres italiano o vives en Italia? / Are you Italian or do you live in Italy?

    Código Fiscal/ Fiscal Code*:

    Subir aquí la breve biografía del tercer autor: * / Upload the third author's short biography here: *

    Información sobre el artículo / Information about the Article

    Por favor, seleccione su área del Congreso: / Please select your Conference area:

    Adjuntar resumen (200 PALABRAS, Fuente: Times o Times New Roman 12): * / Attach summary (200 WORDS, Font: Times or Times New Roman 12): *

    Deseo recibir información sobre las actividades que organizan las entidades que convocan este congreso. / I wish to receive information about activities organized by the entities convening this Conference.

    Check the terms and conditions